Feel free to contact me if you need any paper that is not here or you have any question about the content of these papers. Some of the references can also be found at [ DPLP ].
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- SC-HUST. HPCAdvisor: A Tool for Assisting Users in Selecting HPC Resources in the Cloud. N., M. AS. Proc. of the IEEE/ACM Int. Workshop on HPC User Support Tools in conjunction with Int. Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - SuperComputing (SC-HUST). 2024 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- SC. Simplifying HPC resource selection: A tool for optimizing execution time and cost on Azure. N., M. AS, D. Salvador, W., V., D.. Research poster at the IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - SuperComputing (SC). 2024 [ PDF ]
- CCPE. Workflow provenance in the lifecycle of scientific machine learning. S., R., A., L. G, L., V., S., E., T., R., B., R., C., D., V. Brazil, E., M., M., V., P., o.. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 34(14):e6544. 2022 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- eScience. Context-aware Execution Migration Tool for Data Science Jupyter Notebooks on Hybrid Clouds. R. L. F. Cunha, L. V. Real, R. Souza, B. Silva, M. A. S. Netto. IEEE Int. Conf. on eScience (eScience). 2021 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- SPE. New generation cloud computing. B. Varghese, M. A. S. Netto, I. Martin Llorente, R. Buyya. Software Practice and Experience (SPE), 50(6):803--804. 2020 [ DOI ]
- SC-WORKS. Provenance Data in the Machine Learning Lifecycle in Computational Science and Engineering. R. Souza, P. Valduriez, M. Mattoso, R. Cerqueira, M. Aurelio Stelmar Netto, L. Azevedo, V. Lourenco, E. F. de Souza Soares, R. Thiago, R. Brandao, D. Civitarese, E. Vital Brazil, M. Ferreira Moreno. IEEE/ACM Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science in conjunction with Int. Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - SuperComputing (SC-WORKS). 2019 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- eScience. Efficient Runtime Capture of Multiworkflow Data Using Provenance. R. Souza, M. Mattoso, L. Azevedo, R. Thiago, E. F. de Souza Soares, M. Nery dos Santos, M. A. S. Netto, E. Vital Brazil, R. Cerqueira, P. Valduriez. IEEE 15th Int. Conf. on eScience (eScience). 2019 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CSUR. HPC Cloud for Scientific and Business Applications: Taxonomy, Vision, and Research Challenges. M. A.S. Netto, R. N. Calheiros, E. R. Rodrigues, R. L.F. Cunha, R. Buyya. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 51(1):8:1--8:29. 2018 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CSUR. A Manifesto for Future Generation Cloud Computing: Research Directions for the Next Decade. B., R., S., S. Narayana, C., G., C., R., S., Y., V., B., G., E., J., B., V., L. Miguel, N., M. A. S., T., A. Nadjaran, R., M. Alejandra, L., I. M., V., S. De Capitani Di, S., P., M., D., V., C., B., R., A., M. D. De, R., O., Z., W., J., H., G., W., Z., A. Y., S., H.. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 51(5):105:1--105:38. 2018 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- FGCS. JobPruner: A Machine Learning Assistant for Exploring Parameter Spaces in HPC Applications. B. Silva, M. A.S. Netto, R. L.F. Cunha. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 83():144--157. 2018 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- eScience. A Scalable Machine Learning System for Pre-Season Agriculture Yield Forecast. I. Oliveira, R. L. F. Cunha, B. Silva, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. IEEE 14th IEEE Int. Conf. on e-Science (eScience). 2018 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- eScience. DeepDownscale: a Deep Learning Strategy for High-Resolution Weather Forecast. E. Rocha Rodrigues, I. Oliveira, R. L. F. Cunha, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the 14th IEEE Int. Conf. on e-Science (eScience). 2018 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- BreSci. A Search Space Exploration Framework for e-Science Applications. E. B. Gauch, B. Castanheira, B. Silva, R. L. F. Cunha, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. XII Brazilian e-Science Workshop (BreSci). 2018 [ PDF ]
- FGCS. Job Placement Advisor Based on Turnaround Predictions for HPC Hybrid Clouds. R. L.F. Cunha, E. R. Rodrigues, L. P. Tizzei, M. A.S. Netto. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 67():35--46. 2017 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- SC-WORKS. SLA-aware Interactive Workflow Assistant for HPC Parameter Sweeping Experiments. B. Silva, M. A.S. Netto, R. L.F. Cunha. Proc. of the IEEE/ACM Int. Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science in conjunction with Int. Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - SuperComputing (SC-WORKS). 2016 [ PDF ]
- SC-HUST. Helping HPC Users Specify Job Memory Requirements via Machine Learning. E. R. Rodrigues, R. L.F. Cunha, M. A.S. Netto, M. Spriggs. Proc. of the IEEE/ACM Int. Workshop on HPC User Support Tools in conjunction with Int. Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis - SuperComputing (SC-HUST). 2016 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- FGCS. Impact of user patience on auto-scaling resource capacity for cloud services. M. D. de Assuncao, C. H. Cardonha, M. A.S. Netto, R. L.F. Cunha. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 55():41--55. 2016 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- FGCS. Optimising Resource Costs of Cloud Computing for Education. F. Koch, M. D. Assuncao, C. Cardonha, M. A. S. Netto. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 55():473--479. 2016 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CoRR. Exploiting Workload Cycles for Orchestration of Virtual Machine Live Migrations in Clouds. A. Baruchi, E. T. Midorikawa, L. M. Sato, M. A. S. Netto. The Computing Research Repository (CoRR)(). 2016 [ PDF ]
- Computer. Deciding When and How to Move HPC Jobs to the Cloud. M. A. S. Netto, R. L. F. Cunha, N. Sultanum. Computer, 48(11):112--115. 2015 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- IBM-JRD. An architecture and algorithm for context-aware resource allocation for digital teaching platforms. F.L. Koch, M. D. de Assuncao, C. H. Cardonha, M. A. S. Netto, T. T. Primo. IBM Journal of Research and Development (IBM-JRD), 59(6):1:1-1:9. 2015 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- JPDC. Big Data computing and clouds: Trends and future directions. M. D. de Assuncao, R. N. Calheiros, S. Bianchi, M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 79--80():3--15. 2015 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- MASCOTS. Using Application Data for SLA-aware Auto-scaling in Cloud Environments. A. A. D. P. Souza, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the IEEE 23rd Int. Symp. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'15). 2015 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- GECON. Optimizing Multi-tenant Cloud Resource Pools via Allocation of Reusable Time Slots. L. P. Tizzei, M. A. S. Netto, S. Tao. Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON'15). 2015 [ PDF ]
- ICSOC. An SLA-based Advisor for Placement of HPC Jobs on Hybrid Clouds. K. Mantripragada, L. P. Tizzei, A. P. D. Binotto, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'15). 2015 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Application Level Monitoring and SLA Violation Detection for Multi-tenant Cloud Services. V. C. Emeakaroha, M. A. S. Netto, I. Brandic, C. A. F. De Rose. Chapter in Emerging Research in Cloud Distributed Computing Systems. IGI Global. 2015 [ DOI ]
- A Feasibility Study of Using HPC Cloud Environment for Seismic Exploration. K. M. Mantripragada, A. P. D. Binotto, L. P. Tizzei, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the 77th EAGE Conf. and Exhibition. 2015 [ DOI ]
- Supporting the Scheduling over Local HPC and Cloud Platforms: An FWI Case Study. A.P.D. Binotto, L.P. Tizzei, K. Mantripragada, M.A.S. Netto. Proc. of Second EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream. 2015 [ DOI ]
- MASCOTS. Evaluating Auto-scaling Strategies for Cloud Computing Environments. M. A. S. Netto, C. Cardonha, R. L. F. Cunha, M. D. de Assuncao. Proc. of the IEEE 22nd Int. Symp. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'14). 2014 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CLOUD. Exploiting User Patience for Scaling Resource Capacity in Cloud Services. R. L. F. Cunha, M. D. de Assuncao, C. Cardonha, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Cloud Computing (CLOUD'14). 2014 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CNSM. Improving Virtual Machine Live Migration via Application-level Workload Analysis. A. Baruchi, E. Midorikawa, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Network and Service Management (CNSM'14). 2014 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Cloud in Natural Resources. A. C. Nogueira, A. Binotto, K. Mantripragada, L. P. Tizzei, N. Sultanum, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the SPE Large Scale Computing and Big Data Challenges in Reservoir Simulation Conf. \& Exhibition. 2014 [ DOI ]
- SPE. EMUSIM: an integrated emulation and simulation environment for modeling, evaluation, and validation of performance of Cloud computing applications. R. N. Calheiros, M. A. S. Netto, C. A. F. De Rose, R. Buyya. Software: Practice and Experience (SPE), 43(5):595--612. 2013 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- ICSOC. Patience-aware Scheduling for Cloud Services: Freeing Users from the Chains of Boredom. C. Cardonha, M. D. de Assuncao, M. A. S. Netto, R. L. F. Cunha, C. Queiroz. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'13). 2013 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CNSM. Leveraging Attention Scarcity to Improve the Overall User Experience of Cloud Services. M. A. S. Netto, M. D. de Assuncao, S. Bianchi. Proc. of the IFIP 9th Int. Conf. on Network and Service Management (CNSM'03). 2013 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- IM. When Cloud Virtual Machine Images Need to Be Updated. M. A. S. Netto, M. D. de Assuncao, L. Renganarayana, C. Young. Proc. of the IFIP/IEEE Int. Symp. on Integrated Network Management (IM'13). 2013 [ PDF ]
- IM. Software Bundling Selection for Cloud Virtual Machine Images. M. A. S. Netto, M. D. de Assuncao, L. Renganarayana, C. Young. Proc. of the IFIP/IEEE Int. Symp. on Integrated Network Management (IM'13). 2013 [ PDF ]
- AINA. Scheduling Workflows in Multi-Cluster Environments. S. L. Stanzini, L. M. Sato, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the IEEE 27th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'13) Workshops. 2013 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CCPE. Coordinated Rescheduling of Bag-of-Tasks for Executions on Multiple Resource Providers. M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 24(12):1362--1376. 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- FGCS. Towards autonomic detection of SLA violations in Cloud infrastructures. V. C. Emeakaroha, M. A. S. Netto, R. N. Calheiros, I. Brandic, R. Buyya, C. A. F. De Rose. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 28(7):1017--1029. 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- JPDC. Performance evaluation of OpenMP-based algorithms for handling Kronecker descriptors. A. M. de Lima, M. A. S. Netto, T. Webber, R. M. Czekster, C. A. F. De Rose, P. Fernandes. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 72(5):678--692. 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- NOMS. CloudAffinity: A Framework For Matching Servers to Cloudmates. M. D. Assuncao, M. A. S. Netto, B. Peterson, L. Renganarayana, J. Rofrano, C. Ward, C. Young. Proc. of the 13th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symp. (NOMS'12). 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- GECON. A Cost Analysis of Cloud Computing for Education. F. Luiz Koch, M. D. de Assuncao, M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON'12). 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CloudAM. Context-aware Job Scheduling for Cloud Computing Environments. M. D. de Assuncao, M. A. S. Netto, F. Koch, S. Bianchi. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Clouds and eScience Applications Management (CloudAM'12), held in conjunction with the 5th IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2012). 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- WSC. Scheduling with Preemption for Incident Management: When Interrupting Tasks is not Such a Bad Idea. M. D. Assuncao, V. F. Cavalcante, M. A. de C. Gatti, M. A. S. Netto, C. S. Pinhanez, C. R. B. de Souza. Proc. of the Winter Simulation Conf. (WSC'12). 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- COMPSAC. CASViD: Application Level Monitoring for SLA Violation Detection in Clouds. V. C. Emeakaroha, T. C. Ferreto, M. A. S. Netto, I. Brandic, C. A.F De Rose. Proc. of the 36th Annual IEEE Computer and Application Int. Conf. (COMPSAC'12). 2012 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Achieving Flexible SLA and Resource Management in Clouds. V. C. Emeakaroha, M. A. S. Netto, R. N. Calheiros, C. A. F. De Rose. Chapter in Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and Practice. IGI Global. 2012 [ DOI ]
- JPDC. Use of run time predictions for automatic co-allocation of multi-cluster resources for iterative parallel applications. M. A. S. Netto, C. Vecchiola, M. Kirley, C. A. Varela, R. Buyya. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 71(10):1388--1399. 2011 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- FGCS. Server consolidation with migration control for virtualized data centers. T. C. Ferreto, M. A. S. Netto, R. N. Calheiros, C. A. F. De Rose. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 27(8):1027--1034. 2011 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- SMTPS. Evaluating Load Generation in Virtualized Environments for Software Performance Testing. M. A. S. Netto, S. Menon, H. V. Vieira, L. T. Costa, F. M. de Oliveira, R. Saad, A. Zorzo. Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on System Management Techniques, Processes, and Services (SMTPS'11), in conj with the 25th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS'11). 2011 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- ICSOC. CANPRO: A Conflict-Aware Protocol for Negotiation of Cloud Resources and Services. M. A. S. Netto. Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'11). 2011 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CloudComp. DeSVi: An Architecture for Detecting SLA Violations in Cloud Computing Infrastructures. V. C. Emeakaroha, R. N. Calheiros, M. A. S. Netto, I. Brandic, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the 2nd Int. ICST Conf. on Cloud Computing (CloudComp'10). 2010 [ PDF ]
- SBAC-PADW. OpenMP-based Parallel Algorithms for Solving Kronecker Descriptors. A. M. de Lima, T. Webber, M. A. S. Netto, R. M. Czekster, C. A. F. De Rose, P. Fernandes. Proc. of the 22nd Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBAC-PADW'10). 2010 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- HCW. Offer-based Scheduling of Deadline-Constrained Bag-of-Tasks Applications for Utility Computing Systems. M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Proc. of the 18th Int. Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (HCW'09), in conjunction with the 23rd IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IEEE IPDPS'09). 2009 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- Resource Co-allocation in Grid Computing Environments. M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Chapter in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications. 2009 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- GRID. Rescheduling Co-Allocation Requests based on Flexible Advance Reservations and Processor Remapping. M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Proc. of the 9th IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Grid Computing (GRID'08). 2008 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- CCGrid. Impact of Adaptive Resource Allocation Requests in Utility Cluster Computing Environments. M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Proc. of the Seventh IEEE Int. Symp. on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid'07). 2007 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- ICSOC. SLA-based advance reservations with flexible and adaptive time QoS parameters. M. A. S. Netto, K. Bubendorfer, R. Buyya. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'07). 2007 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- MGC. Message Passing over Windows-based Desktop Grids. C. Queiroz, M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Proc. of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX Workshop on Middleware for the Grid (MGC'06). 2006 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- HiPC. Message Passing over .NET-based Desktop Grids. C. Queiroz, M. A. S. Netto, R. Buyya. Proc. of the Workshop on Cutting Edge Computing, in conjunction with the 13th IEEE Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing (HiPC'06). 2006 [ PDF ]
- CCGrid. Scheduling Complex Computer Simulations on Heterogeneous Non-dedicated Machines: A Case Study in Structural Bioinformatics. M. A. S. Netto, A. Breda, O. N. de Souza. Proc. of the 5th IEEE Int. Symp. on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid'05). 2005 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- eScience. Transparent Resource Allocation to Exploit Idle Cluster Nodes in Computational Grids. M. A. S. Netto, R. N. Calheiros, R. K. S. Silva, C. A. F. De Rose, C. Northfleet, W. Cirne. Proc. of the First IEEE Int. Conf. on e-Science and Grid Computing (eScience'05). 2005 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- JSSPP. Scheduling moldable BSP tasks. P. Dutot, M. A. S. Netto, A. Goldman, F. Kon. Proc. of the 11th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP'05). 2005 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- ICPP. CRONO: A Configurable and Easy to Maintain Resource Manager Optimized for Small and Mid-Size GNU/Linux Cluster. M. A. S. Netto, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the 32nd Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP'03). 2003 [ PDF ] [ DOI ]
- ERAD. CRONO: a manager for Linux cluster machines. M. A. S. Netto, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the III Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho (ERAD'03). 2003 [ PDF ]
- WSL. GNU/Linux in IPF machines: Promise or Reality?. R. Cassali, M. A. S. Netto, C. Oliva, A. Caringi, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the IV Workshop de Software Livre (WSL'03). 2003 [ PDF ]
- LCI. CRONO: A Configurable Management System for Linux Clusters. M. A. S. Netto, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the Third LCI Int. Conf. on Linux Clusters: The HPC Revolution (LCI'02). 2002 [ PDF ]
- WSL. Development of Cluster Management Systems for GNU/Linux platform. M. A. S. Netto, A. V. Barcelos, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the III Workshop sobre Software Livre (WSL'02). 2002 [ PDF ]
- WSL. CPAD-PUCRS/HP: Linux as a Platform for Research in High Performance Computing. T. Ferreto, F. F. Blanco, M. A. S. Netto, C. A. F. De Rose. Proc. of the the II Workshop sobre Software Livre (WSL'01). 2001 [ PDF ]